Token supply
One hundred trillion
· Total: 420,690,000,000,000
· TAX:3/3
· launch Time:13:00 utc 1.8
· hard cap:60bnb
· max buy:0.25 bnb
Launch $Lou and holda public offering at thesametime.
Reach an initial holdingof 5.000 addresses.
List Lou on CoinGecko and CoinmarketcapObtain over 20,000 holders
Use our unique MEME power to make $Lou popular on Twitter
Collaborate with the community and release theAnt Times digital newsletter. Establish a TokenGated Discord group, Lou Palace, open only toholders, more details coming soon
List on major centralized exchanges,obtain over 50,000 holders.
Launch Lou token peripheral products.
Launch Lou Academy
Launch Lou Tools
List on top exchanges, obtain over
100,000 holders
$Lou token community is brought together by a shared love of memes, promoting community communication and interaction through digital newsletters or exclusive Discord groups.
$Lou will continue to increase its utility, such as by collaborating with other platforms or projects to expand the token's use cases, or by launching merchandise or services related to the token.
As $Lou gains more attention and recognition from users, it will be adopted by more people, leading to the creation of more products and services on top of it, thereby increasing the token's usage and demand.